How designers can help drive better engineering practices around user interfaces
Design leaders who want to improve visual design in products should spend as much time advocating for better UI and front end engineering practices as they spend focusing on practices within their team. Many designers, within B2B and B2C companies struggle with translating what they design into the actual user

Good leaders ask good questions
A common myth is that leaders make all important decisions. This assumes leaders should own decision making instead of focusing on what’s more important: the decision making process. The reality is that the best leaders I know are the ones that provide clear direction, hire the best people around

Design Ops in scalable design organizations
A few months ago, I shared a view of the design of a scalable design organization []. As design organizations grow, and quickly, there is a critical need for ways to ensure their operational excellence. Design Ops [] teams have existed

The difference between a VP of Design and a VP of anything else
Many organizations are hiring their first-ever design leaders. There are likely more VPs and executives leading design teams than ever before. The more I chat with design leaders across the industry, the more a specific question comes up: what is the difference between a VP of Design and a VP

Planning and executing a re-org
There isn’t a work conversation I have had recently with friends, peers, or former teammates across the industry that does not include a discussion of the higher than normal attrition rate companies are seeing. Anecdotally, every single friend of mine that works in tech and is able to change
Designing a scalable design organization
Design is finally getting the spotlight it has deserved for a long time. Designers are in high demand at the moment. This is partially due to an overall strong market for tech talent. It’s also because companies are increasingly recognizing the value of design in shaping the experience of

Career pathing: five steps to building a clear career plan
One of the most frequent and rewarding conversations I have with designers across the industry is around career growth. Design is at a unique crossroads today. Companies are quickly realizing the value design can bring to the table. That realization is causing explosive growth in the demand for designers and

Scaling design teams and design recruiting
One of the most challenging roles a design leader plays is scaling a team. The way you get to help shape the culture and execution of dozens or hundreds of people is one of the most rewarding things you can do. As part of that, one of the most important

The shift to subscriptions and its impact on enterprise design teams
Today, in every enterprise company, there is a discussion about the shift to a Software as a Service (SaaS) delivery model and the shift toward a subscription revenue model. Those two discussions are critical for design teams to understand and to use as a way to help drive a better

It's time for my next chapter
Earlier this week, I shared with my team that I’ll be leaving VMware at the end of February to pursue a new opportunity outside of VMware. It’s been quite a week ... VMware has been my professional home for close to a decade. Leading the design team at VMware